Monday, September 1, 2008

Happy Birthday, Jeff!

Jeff celebrated his birthday this past weekend. His birthday always falls on Labor Day weekend, which means it's always very full and then we fill it with birthday fun, as well. It was, as you might guess, a packed out weekend. But, I set Sunday aside especially as "Jeff's day" and the kids and I tried to fill the afternoon with things that he would enjoy--including gifts, steak and hiking.

In regards to the hiking, we found a great NEW state park. Boyd Big Tree Conservation Area is a park that is only about 20 minutes away and has some wonderful hiking trails. We have made a family goal to hike all seven trails before the winter. One down, so far--it was a shorter one. It was a mile long and Joost was able to walk the entire trail!

I am so grateful for Jeff and that God has given him another year. Happy birthday, my dear husband!

1 comment:

Tesha said...

Happy Birthday, Jeff! We've had good intentions of getting out to the Big Boyd Park, but haven't done it. Maybe you guys will be the inspiration we need!