Thursday, October 28, 2010

Halloween 2010

So last year, creative juices were flowing all over the place while coming up with costumes for the kids.  This year, it just wasn't there.  There were no unified costumes that strangers from Sweden would comment on.  Alas and alack, despite my inability to think outside the box, the kids had a fun night collecting candy. 

Kate wore the cow costume that both Joost and Grace wore in earlier years.  She was a top notch trick-or-treater, too.  No stroller for her--she went door to door on foot for an hour and a half.  Joost was a knight, but he was not happy substituting some of the musketeer garb from last October in for a knight costume.  No, no.  We needed different colors for the tunic and a dragon instead of a fleur-de-lis on the chest.  Grace decided, very last minute, to be Word Girl (instead of the previously decided princess.  I was hoping for some continuity between Sir Joost and Princess Grace, but who was I kidding?)  So, last night, I amazingly found all the supplies around the house that I needed to come up with a halfway decent imitation of a Word Girl costume.

In the end, we had a fun night and we have bulging bags of candy.  What more could you ask from 3 costumes?

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