Thursday, October 29, 2009

Athos, Aramis & Porthos go trick-or-treating

Every year, I have an afternoon shortly before Halloween that I pull the whole family into the kitchen and we carve a pumpkin. Everyone likes a jack-o-lantern burning at night out on the porch, but not everyone is as thrilled about the elbow grease required to make that nice pumpkin smile. I keep the tradition going anyway.

This year, I made the kids help separate the pumpkin seeds from the slime--it made them better people. The seeds themselves baked up to less than my expectations. Every year, I either under bake them and they're too chewy, or I over bake them and it tastes like burnt wood in my mouth. This year it was the latter.

Tonight, the kids went as the Three Musketeers. (Remember, our area always holds trick-or-treating the Thursday before Halloween.) I made the costumes for them from a very easy costume guide.

Joost is a big fan of anything that carries a sword right now.

And Grace is a devoted sister who will play anything that her brother wants to play.

So these costumes worked out well this year.

All for one and one for all!

Even Kate had a good time wielding her sword.

But, after about an hour of candy collecting, Kate was worn out and preferred sleep over watching crazy kids in costume.

For the second half of the night, we did pass out Three Musketeer bars to help stay in character.


the lovely years said...

Love it! So adorable. I love a good theme. Alas, it didn't work out so well for us this year. I couldn't pass up the free, hand-me-down bumblebee. I was wishing for a mouse or pumpkin to accompany Cinderella. If Lily will go for it, next year she can be a stormtrooper (garage sale buy) to accompany Baby Yoda (Lily's hand-me-down).

Great pictures! Miss you guys!

Tesha said...

I love the costumes!! You are way too creative!! If the kids don't appreciate all your hard work, they will when they have kids of their own!