Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Holiday Parade 2009

We've made it a tradition to attend Harrisburg's holiday parade since we've moved here. But, after last year's very bitter weather (that resulted in an early departure), we were a bit gun shy (despite the good weather reports) and bundled ourselves as if we were headed for a hike in the Arctic. 3 or 4 layers later, we were headed to the van, ready to leave for the parade. Already, I was regretting my decision to wear leggings under my jeans, so, as I went to lock up the house, I removed the first of many layers. By the time we found a spot to settle to watch the parade, the rest of the family was ready to shed some layers--but at least we weren't cold!

Shortly, the rest of the Bosworth crew joined us. (Happily, Andrew, Rachel and Liam were with us this year!) They all seemed to be a bit wiser in their winter wear decisions. There were no large piles of winter garb stacked in the bottom of their stroller by the end of the parade.

We had a nice time enjoying each others company, all the parade had to offer and even a few pieces of candy tossed the kids way. (The current economic strain must hit even city parades, because the kids came away with a lot less sugar than years before.)

We're ready to start another holiday season!