...the life and happenings of the van Bastelaar family.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
First days of school
Joost has a collage he is working on for school that will show people who he is. We've decided that pictures of him, his family and his activities are a must. While digging back in the ancient history of our blog to find a picture of Noah (poor cat, he doesn't get photographed very often), I stumbled on the pictures of his first day of preschool in 2007. My how they've grown!
It's amazing to me how many of our dear friends and family no longer live near us. We've moved, you've moved and life keeps going. I can hardly keep everyone posted on things that are happening and how quickly the kids are growing up. So this is my solution. It may not be the best solution, but hopefully you'll be able to enjoy the pictures and news anyway. And we'll try our best to keep in touch through other means, as well.
But I trust in you, O LORD; I say, "You are my God." My times are in your hand... -Psalm 31: 14-15b
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