Monday, November 17, 2008

Sunday dinner

Growing up, the meal that we ate on Sundays directly following the morning service-- Sunday dinner--was always a major event. Mom would start a roast or a turkey cooking before we left for Sunday School and by the time we arrived home, the house smelled wonderful and preparation of wonderful side dishes would begin. Then, we would all sit together as a family--many times in the dining room with the good china--eating this special meal. My mother went to all this effort because Sunday is a special day, one for setting aside to worship God with His people, to find fellowship among family and friends and for rest.

That really helped guide my attitudes towards Sundays as I grew up. Jeff and I attempt to honor Sundays in our own home now--setting it aside and making it unique from the rest of the week. One way we've tried to do that is by having friends over after the Sunday services for dinner on a semi-regular basis. Yesterday we were delighted to have a table full of friends from church--including Lauren, Rick and Marina, and Dave, Amanda and Natalie. Lauren is living in State College right now, working on her doctoral studies, and so we're always so thrilled to be able to have a visit from her and some extra time with her. She is a dear friend. She took these pictures, and they were too fun not to post on our blog. (You'll probably be able to find them on several other blogs, as well.) It was great to celebrate the Lord's day with friends. It was also wonderful for me, in that, I was able to do all the food prep the day before, so it was very much a day of rest for me, even with hosting many in our home.

The kids enjoyed their time with little Natalie. Grace, especially, is always thrilled to be able to practice her baby skills in preparation for the one who is coming in two months.

We are so grateful that God has given us so many loving friends at Trinity. He has met our needs abundantly in our move from Philadelphia to Harrisburg. We left a wonderful community at Tenth Presbyterian and came to another wonderful community at Trinity Presbyterian. God is so good to us.

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