Monday, January 7, 2008

The Pennsylvania Farm Show

Every year that I have lived in Harrisburg (and even a few that I didn't), I have attended the Penn- sylvania Farm Show. I should probably explain this event since most who read this will think it strange that I and my family would attend an event centered around farms. But, it's not as peculiar as it may first sound, and everyone in the area goes. It's really a ton of fun. One of my girlfriends from church (who forgot I grew up a local to these parts and practices) made sure to call me and tell me about the week of the Farm Show. Anyway, here's what goes down...Farmers and their families, from all over the state, come to this event (which has a special building built just for it) to show off their specialties. And so, you have all kinds of farm products represented (and competitions for many of them, as well. We saw a bull with a saddle on, so I can only imagine how that competition went.)The show hosts everything from tractors to cows, ducks to butter (the kids and I are actually standing in front of a huge sculpture made entirely of butter), sheep to maple syrup and every other product you can imagine. You can find it all and it's really quite amazing to see all that Pennsylvania produces. Go PA!

1 comment:

Steve and Stacy said...

OK Jeff, how hard was it to walk away without at least thinking about how to come up with the down payment for that behemoth?

("Would you take a slightly stained family minivan in trade?")
