Saturday, January 14, 2012

Mom's birthday

On Wednesday, Mom turned 60 years old.  Today we were able to have a party with all the family to celebrate her life.  She is a wonderful, loving and godly woman and I feel exceedingly blessed to have her as a mother and friend.

Andrew and I thought it would be fun to look back on her life and share some of the pictures from it.  We made a dvd presentation to show everyone at the party.  There were far too many pictures on it to show here, but I thought a few of them might be worth posting. 

Mom and Aunt Dee--1953

Mom and Aunt Dee holding Uncle Alan--1960


Mom's senior picture--1968/1969 school year

Mom and Dad on the day he proposed to her--1971


Mom and Andrew--1979

summer of 1982

Grandma Rhoades' 60th birthday

Disney World--1988

Rhoades family beach vacation--2000


Happy, happy birthday, Mom!

1 comment:

Steve said...

Wow - Your Mom really looks a lot like you in the proposal picture! Nice collection. I love looking through my family's vintage picts. There's something comforting in knowing that they probably had all the same concerns we do and all the same worries, but hey - it came out all right in the end.