Saturday, October 1, 2011

Gracie's birthday party

We always have a family party for each of the kids' birthdays. I don't always post them, but this time I took some shots that I thought would be fun to share--especially with our family that's far away.

It's never a small crowd when unwrapping gifts. No matter which cousin's birthday it is, all the kids crowd close enough that most of the adults have no idea what's being opened.

3 of my 4 sister-in-laws...they're all lovely women, inside and out.  I feel very blessed to have been given such wonderful sisters.  I think it's kind of God that if you aren't born with sisters, you can still get them later in life.

Katie loves her grandparents--both Grandpa and Grandma Bosworth...

...and Oma, too.

It was a cold day, but most of the kids wanted to eat out on the porch.

There were no candles blown out on a cake at Gracie's party this year. Everyone made their own sundaes instead.

Since most of the family has a two hour trip home, pjs are put on before departure. Grace and Matthew were excited to find that they have matching pajamas.

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