Wednesday, August 17, 2011

a visit with Esther--at long last

My friendship with Esther started over one summer during our college years when we both spent our summers on Indian Reserves in Saskatchewan, Canada. We actually only spent a total of about two weeks together throughout that summer, but we formed a friendship that we just couldn't let go of. Life took us many places after that and we only saw each other here and there over the past 13 years, but we continued to keep our friendship growing.

Today, after a long stretch (the last time was her wedding almost 3 years ago) we were able to meet up again! What a wonderful afternoon and evening we had together at her home. I was able to spend time with her husband and new daughter, as well.  She was able to meet Henry and Kate for the first time, too.  It is a true blessing to be her friend and I am glad that our friendship continues despite easy access to each other.

Today is Wednesday, so this also counts as Henry's Wednesday picture for his 18 weeks.

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