Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Our baby turned toddler

I'm a day late on this post, but Kate reached her 18 month mark yesterday. She has grown up so much in the past 6 months. The fact that she's walking is a milestone in and of itself. Beyond that, it is wonderful to hear her words and songs, watch her carry out detailed instructions, walk around with a purse on her arm, laugh with her brother, enjoy sharing a bedroom with her sister, call for her daddy, and hug and kiss me goodnight. She is a sweet daughter and a delight in our home.


Lauren Kooistra said...

such a cutie! and great pictures ;-)

Tesha said...

When talking about Kate we refer to her as "Baby Kate", but she's not a baby anymore!

KK said...

Kate is way too cute! It was great running into you guys the other day!

KK said...

How do you stand all that cuteness!