Thursday, May 6, 2010

April in a nutshell

I've been so tardy in putting a new post up. Here is a bit of what happened in April....

First, we'll cover Kate. She is 16 months old today and is still not walking. But, she has achieved some other goals in the past few weeks...

...she conquered the stairs. The impact of this small victory has value for all of us since it happily means NO MORE GATES!

...she has discovered that she can crawl on to any piece of furniture she chooses. This picture is not great proof of that since it is a tiny chair, but I find her often lounging happily on the couch with no help from any of the taller people in the house.

...she has found that books are a great use of her free time. Often I find her all alone with a pile of books greatly enjoying herself. I do hope that this turns into a life long habit.

...the discovery that her cousin, Liam, will happily eat anything that she hands over to him. I think she wishes he was around more often when her veggies are being served.

And then, there's Gracie. She's not always the neatest of eaters and she seems to like to document the fact. Here's hoping her children never get a hold of these pictures when she's trying to train them to use a napkin. ("But mom, evidence supports the fact that you never used your napkin....")

And finally, we had our own little field trip to the State Museum (which my parents were able to accompany us on) early in the month. This included time at Curiosity Connection.

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